Tool usage and maintenance instructions

1, do not use a jackknife for cutting work, even if it is with a lock, the lock of the jackknife (whether it is a line lock or a back lock) may fail due to strong chopping, resulting in blade folding back causing injury.
2, do not use a folding knife for puncture work, even if it is with lock, the locking of the folding knife (whether it is line lock or back lock) may fail due to strong puncture, resulting in injury caused by the blade back.
3, when closing the back lock folding knife, try to use both hands, one hand to press the back lock, one hand to pinch the blade; If you must use one hand, please point down and press the back lock to avoid the knife bending back and injuring the index finger.
4, do not use a knife without hand guard to do the piercing work, especially the folding knife, most of the folding knife without hand guard, so as to avoid the injury caused by the hand sliding knife blade during the piercing.
5, when using a straight knife to do the cutting work, please always pay attention to the holding force of the hand on the knife, if you can't hold the knife, you should rest in time to avoid the knife flying out and injuring yourself, and pay attention not to use all your strength when chopping, leaving some spare power, so as not to avoid accidents due to the inability to control.
6, when doing the hacking work, try to wear a certain intensity, which can cover most of the clothes of the body, and the shoes should be as strong as possible.
7, before using a straight knife to do the cutting work, check the strength of the knife, whether there is hidden damage, especially the weak links such as the root of the knife, and the connection of the handle. It is best not to use a long knife without rivets (such as the negative impact on the sales of some knives), even if the glue, the glue may fail. When working, we should pay attention to the feel at all times to avoid the blade breaking and flying out to hurt ourselves.
8, not only the use of knives, but also in the maintenance process, as long as you are holding a knife in your hand, you must remember to concentrate, because you are holding a cutting object, please pay attention to the objects and people that may be encountered in the movement path of cutting, chopping, piercing, polishing, and your own body (such as the hand that does not hold a knife).
9, do not borrow knives to people who do not know the knives, before lending, please state the above.
Ornamental and restoration
1, do not watch, or even use, repair knives when sin is drunk.
2, in the transfer of the straight handle tool, as far as possible into the sheath, to ensure that the knife is fixed securely in the sheath, will not be drawn out by the other side when the knife. Hand the handle to the other person. At the same time remind each other that the sheath may not be tight, pay attention to safety
3. When passing a straight handle knife without a sheath, please tell the blade to face yourself, the blade to face up, hold the back of the knife (such as a false blade open edge exception, please pay attention to safety) and the handle close to the handle of the knife, and make sure that there is no interference around the other side when handing it to the other side, and make sure that the other side catches the Fang loose hand. It's not just good manners and respect, it's actually a very important safety measure.
4, when passing the jackknife, please close the blade. Close the safety when passing the insured automatic tool.
5, for the side spring automatic knife, when watching should remind the other party, pay attention to the spring elasticity, so as not to ignore the power of the spring, due to the inertia of the blade when opening, pay attention to lock the knife in place.
6, when viewing multi-functional knives such as the Swiss Army knife, only open one tool at a time to avoid injury during the opening and closing process
7, please do not watch the knife naked, please do not watch the knife in the toilet, so as to avoid injury to important parts.
8, when watching the unfamiliar jump, make sure the blade jumps out of the direction, do not press the button with the tip of the knife facing yourself
9, when watching the knife, such as the knife fell, please remind yourself, do not subconsciously use the leg or foot to pick up, even a folding knife, in the encounter with the object may also open.
10, in the viewing of the knife as far as possible placed on the table, away from the people around, pay special attention to the actions of people around, as well as other knives in the hand, cigarette butt (very dangerous, the hand after the conditioning reflex to recover their own can not control where they will meet, and the force is great)
11, do not watch the knife in bed before going to bed, it is easier to have an accident.
12, in the moving carriage and other unstable carriers, or places where people move frequently, try not to open the knife to appreciate, so as not to hurt yourself and others.
13, when wiping the tool, please wipe from the back of the knife to the blade direction, in a single direction. Avoid rubbing in the blade area without direction. When a friend who doesn't know how to use knives enjoys using your knife, don't let him help you clean the blade, please leave this job to yourself.
Preserve and carry
1, do not put the knife in the children, family easy access to the place, to remind them of the danger of knives at any time.
2, there is a pillow knife habit of knife friends, it is best to change this habit, the folding knife has the possibility of accidental opening, straight knife if not into the sheath is very dangerous.
3, when carrying the pocket knife, it is best to put it in the sheath, the pocket knife is still wrong to open the possibility. Especially straight and side jumps with buttons
4, it is best not to carry a knife when doing strenuous exercise, especially a folding knife without a knife sheath